Monday, September 23, 2013


Just an update on how the new cover effected my sales:

In the first twenty days of this month the Ebook, the Academy, made $400. This adds up to $20 per day. Since adding the new cover, the Academy has generated $190, meaning that the book is averaging $63 a day in profits, which are going to the support of Doctor's Without Boarders.

I'm very excited to see that the cover appears to have been a good investment.

Chelsey Bateson did a fantastic job, and I am very pleased.

Chad Leito

Thursday, September 19, 2013

May and June donations


As you guys are aware, Amazon authors get paid 60 days after the last month of a month that they earn royalties. So, I have two months of donations to make today, May and June! These two months resulted in $2,922.21. As I've stated before, I'm going to withhold 35% of the earnings initially, to see what I have to pay for taxes. Whatever I don't have to pay the government for book royalties, I'm going to donate after the taxes are paid. So, 35% of $2,922.21 is $1,022.77, which leaves $1,899.44 that's going to the support of Doctor's without boarders!

Now, in August (which I haven't recieved a royalty check for), my books made a little shy of $1,000 in the US, which means that sales have dropped significantly. So, I've been thinking a lot about how I can combat this, in order to make more money for the charity. I've noticed that accross the board, books do better when they have a professional cover. I'm worried that my cover is limiting the amount of money this charity will be able to make. So, as part of this month's donation, I decided to invest some of the money back into the charity by paying for a new cover for the Academy, which cost $700, and was made by Chelsey Bateson, who made the incredible covers for Will Wight's books! So, in addition to posting a donation reciept below, and the sales reports for May and June, I'm posting the new cover!

I truly think that this cover will help the charity greater than its cost! This cover will help to bring a lot of support to Doctors Without Borders, by helping to gain more money for this charity!

Thank you all for your support!

I hope that everyone has a great day!
Chad Leito