Monday, April 1, 2013

End of March Update

March earned quite a bit of money that will go to medical attention for the sick!

         Posted up above is the last screenshot that I took of my sales in March. The photo was taken at 12:03 AM, central time, April 1. The report was available until 1 AM that morning. 
        I don't yet know how much money the ebooks brought in this month, mostly because I tinkered with the pricing several times, and that is not reflected in this reports. Amazon will post an excel of my sales on the 15th of this month. At that time, I will make the donation, and post the reciept and a picture of the excel document onto this blog.
        Again, I want to stress that I will do everything in my power to make this operation as transparent as possible. Transparency promotes the success of a charity, and I want nothing more than to give a substantial donation to Doctors Without Borders every month.
        Overall, I'm very pleased with this past month's turnout. I'm surprised, in fact. I didn't expect to sell this many copies of my new novel. There were a few things that I think contributed:
        Number 1: Being a new novel, the Academy, Book 1, was placed on Amazon lists that tagged it as "new." This gave my novel more traffic than it would normally have gotten.
        Number 2: I believe that the fact that all the money goes to charity contributed to this month's success. I gave away a few hundred free copies of my novel, via Amazon, and wrote a note in the back of each novel that talked about the project. Maybe some people thought that it was a good cause and wanted to tell their friends.
       Number 3: I've built a small fan base. I keep in touch with fans through email, and had people that were excited to read my new book.
       Number 4: The quality. I spent a lot of time on this new novel, and I think that people can tell. I'm a long time writer, and I think that this new novel is at a quality level that people will want to tell others about it. I'm trying hard to entertain, and based on the increased sales, and reviews I've gotten so far, I'd say that I hit my mark.
        Number 5: I distributed approximately 300 flyers in neighborhoods around Lewisville Texas. I took my dog, and we spent about 4 hours walking around neighborhoods putting flyers that explained my project onto people's doorknobs.
       I don't know which of these five contributions had the biggest impact, but I would guess that they worked together. You can look back and see, based on the last excel spreadsheet that I posted that I sold many more books in March than I did in February. This is an exciting start. I hope that it only grows from here!

If you are not yet familiar with my work, you can check it out here:

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