Saturday, June 28, 2014

Charity and Writing Update (Baggers Trilogy and The Academy)

Hello All,

I will attach two photos of donations to this post. After this, I will still owe Doctor's Without Borders $3,000 and will pay this as soon as I can get the funds transferred to the appropriate account.

I have been asked for an update on Book 3 of the Academy, both on my blog and via email. I want to start off by saying that it is extremely flattering to hear that readers are anxious for the next book in my series. I don't have a set date for when book 3 will be released, and I truly don't feel comfortable giving an estimate. At this time, I am taking a semi-break from the Academy books. What this means is that I am still gathering ideas and brainstorming, but I am working on a side project at this time and have put actively writing book 3 on hold.

This 'side project' is called "The Baggers Trilogy." As the word 'trilogy' suggests, :), this series will consist of three books. I would estimate that book one will be released on Amazon at some point in July of 2014 and that books two and three will both be released before the end of 2014. I want to stress that these are estimates :). I also estimate that I will recommence actively writing book 3 of the Academy as soon as I am finished writing the Baggers Trilogy (near the end of 2014). I'm still in the outlining phase of book 3, and as those who have read the Academy books know, the plots are intricate and I cannot be sure how much time book 3 will take to complete.

I'm very sorry to all of you who hoped for a quick turn-around between the Academy books, but I hope that you will hear me out when I say that I honestly believe that this short break from The Academy Series will result in higher quality for book 3 and 4 (at this time, I believe that the Academy will be four books long). I spent from April 2012 to February of 2014 working solely on The Academy, as far as writing. Though I love Charlotte, Asa, Robert King, the Davids, the Five Mountains, the Town, Conway, and Francine Black, I felt that I needed to work on a separate project for a few months so that I could become reenergized about the Academy and attack book 3 with a lot of excitement. I believe that writing The Baggers Trilogy will give me a healthy separation from the Academy so that when I begin writing the series again in late 2014 to early 2015, the plotlines, the setting, and the characters will be fresh and invigorating for me. 

I will leave you with the beautiful cover that Chelsey and Caitlin Bateson made for me for The Baggers Trilogy: Book 1.


Chad Leito

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